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Thread: alpha flight returns in chaos war!!!

  1. #91
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Good news everybody!
    ... but you know already. This does look good for our heroes.

    The artist is a little cartoony for my tastes, but not so much I'll automatically hate it.

    Marvel, lately, have been taking all the character development and interaction moments, and what all, and shoving them into mini-serieses like Nation X and one-shots like Firestar and Dazzler, and calling them tie-ins to crossovers. Y'know, the stuff that should make up the main series?
    They don't usually have much to do with the crossover, but I'd far rather read them.
    I was very impressed by the Dazzler one-shot.

    So, the same guy who wrote Dazzler, doing an Alpha Flight one-shot?
    I want to withhold judgement until I've read it, but my hopes are high on this one.

    Except he made one terrible mistake that Marvel will slay him for. It's an Alpha Flight title... so why are Alpha Flight in it? I thought that was banned?

    Yay him for doing it!

    btw... you shouldn't spank people when they've just had bran. It can get very messy.

    - Mik
    "He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know."
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  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Ahab View Post
    I heard that he has a "I heart irritating Dana" mug in his office but no one at Marvel knows who this "Dana" is...
    Ahab, you get a gold star for hilariousness! That`s frickin`awesome!

    This is going to kick a lot of ass. Nuff said.
    PWalk, i don`t think we allow donkey-abuse at this site...
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  3. #93


    - Mik
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    What about he who types...
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  4. #94
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I dunno.

  5. #95


    So, typing and speaking are eerily similar...
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  6. #96


    Like I've said before I don't really read comics anymore only returning when there is something Alpha related. This is the first I'm hearing of the Chaos War line and if its being used simply as a vehicle for Marvel to do a couple of resurrections then I'm all for it. But at the same time I was getting kind of used to having everyone minus Walt, Snowbird, and Talisman dead. For me I had always envisioned a new Alpha book as being something new with a couple of former members driving headlong into the future on a new course. Now I love the original team as anyone here and would love to see them all in action again but at thesame time I was hoping for a new twist or direction with the team.

    I'll buy this without a doubt, hell I'll probably buy three copies to bump the numbers but I'm also going in with a little bit of doubt as we've been through this all before judt for the last couple of pages to end up completely mucking the whole thing up again.

  7. #97


    I guess one of the things that always bothered me about Alpha Flight is that instead of the characters just taking a leave of absence from the team the writers tried to shoch us with killing them off (to the point that they could not be brought back at a later date). Other group titles (Avengers, F.F.,Justice League, etc.) have always had a revolving stable of members to draw upon over the years and I always wondered why ALPHA seemed to be treated differently.


  8. #98
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    PWalk - that's what's always been done before; an Alpha Flight book with a 'new twist or direction'. I can see your point about why you want that, but it isn't what I want. I want an Alpha Flight book with a recognisable Alpha Flight in it.

    Digger - I think this was on the letters page, from an editor or writer: 'This is Alpha Flight, the least survivable book since Strikeforce: Morituri.'
    So yeah.

    - Le Messor
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  9. #99


    I guess the chaos war is Marvel's Blackest Night. As long as AF is back I don't really care, I won't be reading anything but the AF one-shot anyway.

  10. #100


    Hmmm...I thought was Nekrosha was Marvel's Blackest Night? Has anybody noticed how many Marvel "events" involve dead folks, lately? Nekrosha, Curse of The Mutants and now Chaos War...Am I missing any?


    EDIT: Marvel Zombies? Or does that even count, as it's dragged on so long?
    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 08-27-2010 at 07:00 PM.

  11. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    Hmmm...I thought was Nekrosha was Marvel's Blackest Night? Has anybody noticed how many Marvel "events" involve dead folks, lately? Nekrosha, Curse of The Mutants and now Chaos War...Am I missing any?


    EDIT: Marvel Zombies? Or does that even count, as it's dragged on so long?
    Necrosha was just the X-Men instead of all Marvel, and most of the zombies went back to being dead afterwards (not that I know if the Chaos Reign resurrections will stick or not, but hey, it's worth noting.) That is a whole lot of undead overload for one year, though.

  12. #102


    Maybe M. Knight Shamallan (don't know if it is spelled right, don't really care) is now employed by Marvel.


  13. #103


    Very glad to see some form of Alpha Flight coming out. However, the "buy lots and we might make a series" line from Marvel is a little tired. Didn't they say the same thing about Omega Flight, but instead cut it down from an ongoing to a limited before it even came out, and despite it selling well?

  14. #104
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Corvus, yes, you are right.

    Also, didn't your avatar used to actually be a corvid? Or is the new one an albino?
    (For future generations reading after Corvus's sig has changed, the new sig is a flying white bird.)

    - Le Messor
    "He who requires much from himself and little from others will be secure from hatred."
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  15. #105


    Marvel Zombies? Or does that even count, as it's dragged on so long?
    I am imagining a zombie, lurching along, dragging one leg behind itself...
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