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Thread: What Do YOU Want From Alpha Flight?

  1. #1

    Default What Do YOU Want From Alpha Flight?

    Without going into too much detail, what/who would you like to see in Alpha Flight (Vol.4) #9 onwards and why?
    Last edited by Phil; 08-28-2011 at 01:47 PM.

  2. #2


    I'd love to see Snowbird fleshed out more. They are really playing up her shape shifting in the new series, which is awesome, but I'd like to see her (verbally) step out of the background more often. Being a Goddess, I always imaged her as the Thor of the team. I'd like to see the bad guys fear and respect her Narya form. She been around long enough, she shouldn't have to turn into the Wendigo and say BOO! for people to fear her. I'd also like her to visit her parents more. Like Thor, I'd like to see her go back and forth from the "God plain" and Earth. I want to see the team from a God's perspective. I'd also like them to do something with Anne McKenzie now that she's being used again. Does she have her own personality or is she just another shape? I find it funny she, a God, (along with Shaman) is the only one with a day job. I'd like to see her job be of use to the team like when she was an RCMP.

    I love that they're giving Mac a personality. Along with Heather, as Leader, he is the only one who can take off the suit and be a normal person. I'd like to see that explored. And maybe for one storyline see what it would be like if the Northern God's (somehow) gave him the power of the suit. Since it's powered by the Earth, I figured they could (somehow) make HIM powered by the earth to officially become the North's Guardian. Since he's a reluctant hero to begin with, I thought it might be fun to explore how his daily life would change if given powers he never wanted. To go from a Iron Man/Cap type of hero to a "Superman-light" type. Not permanently, just for a storyline or two. Afterwards, when he turns back to normal, he'll appreciate the freedom he has and be able to relate to Northstar a little more, knowing he can't just turn off his mutant power.

  3. #3


    I haven't really thought about it, but some of the better oldies to put in an appearence. Maybe Dreamqueen, The Master (if he doesn't appear beforehand), and Talisman. Also, just a continuance of the excellent writing and art we've had so far.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  4. #4


    Two things: Keep it simple and keep it entertaining.
    Bring in some more of the early Alphans (Madison Jeffries in particular). while staying away from the later ones (Please God... nothing from vol. 3). Maybe find a way to bring back Diamond Lil and Nemesis, two of my favourite secondary characters.
    Continue to focus on the actual character dynamics and bring in interesting villains that can create an extended story arc... not just a "bad-guy of the month" that appears in one issue, gets the crap kicked out of them, and we never hear from them again. I've always thought that villains like the Master, Graviton, or even the Great Beasts are layered enough to provide a strong story arc. There's also plenty of cross-over potential with Wolverine, Wild Child, and Sabertooth. Even the Magik - Witchfire connection could turn into an Alpha Flight/New Mutants story.
    My point is... there is so much material available that they do not need to bring in a bunch of new stuff just for the heck of it. My Dad always told me when I was younger... "if its not broken, don't fix it".
    The Flight Forever !

  5. #5


    I agree with Del. I'd love to see Dreamqueen again, plus revisiting the Master, Talisman, Flashback, Nemesis, Bochs, Goblyn and Laura. I want Jeffries to return. I hope that the creative team puts their spin on a Beta Flight and a new Omega Flight. And I hope we get to see Marrina clock Namor.
    Stop the Goblyn hate!

  6. #6


    Well, regarding volume 3, I sent Van Lente a gushy nerd fan email awhile back that brought it up, and he replied that he hasn't even read it, so I consider that yet more good news, really. As for what I'd like to see? Jeffries. From what I've read of Pak, he's good with brilliant savant types, so that I'd like to see.

  7. #7


    Definitely bring back Talisman. In many ways, she is just as powerful as Shaman. Plus, she was so devastated in the Omega Flight series over her father's apparent death, she should be showing up soon.
    Same with Wolverine. Mac and Heather were pretty much the only "family" he has ever had... hoping for an emotional reunion for the three of them once Heather gets her head on straight again.
    The Flight Forever !

  8. #8


    I also agree about the Dreamqueen....She's one of the few triumphs of the Mantlo's run (I also happen to have liked Pestilence...He was just sooooo darned evil).

    I also mentioned in another thread about expanding the supporting cast (Walter's never before seen son, Heather's huge family, former team members who are now possibly de-powered, etc...)

    @Canucklehead, I've never heard of Mac's suit being Earth-powered...Heather's second powersuit in Vol. 2 was Earth-powered (and possibly magic, that mystery was never cleared up), but Mac's suits have always been electro-magnetic energy generating.

    I would like to see the North gods be shown as major manipulators, constantly meddling in mortal affairs (doing some nasty deeds here and there too to further their own ends)...maybe putting Snowbird and Alpha at odds on occasion.

    Villains I'd like to see also (some have already been mentioned), The Master, the Great Beasts, Graviton, Caliber (don't laugh! LOL!), Nemesis (not necessarily as an enemy, just more of a vigilante thorn-in-Alpha's side and there's no reason why it has to be the same woman, as most of the times she's appeared it seems to have been various women, anyway)....I'd really love to see Delphine Courtney uploaded/rebooted/etc.. into a new body somehow (Jerry Jaxon alive would also be deliciously evil)...Wild Child too.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 08-28-2011 at 04:03 PM.

  9. #9


    Oh...I want a team pic cover by John Byrne too...


  10. #10


    As I mentioned before, they can bring back whoever they want, as long as it's done with a meaningful purpose, smartly and it contains some kind of evolution in the development of the character.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    As I mentioned before, they can bring back whoever they want, as long as it's done with a meaningful purpose, smartly and it contains some kind of evolution in the development of the character.
    I Want JOHN BYRNE on COVERS, I Want a First Rate Marketing / Promo campaign by Marvel! I want BOWEN STATUS of Guardian, Vindicator, Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, Shaman, Marrina, Talisman and SASQUATCH. I want a Hardcover collection of the Entire Byrne Collection.

  12. #12


    I'd love to see Snowbird fleshed out more. They are really playing up her shape shifting in the new series, which is awesome, but I'd like to see her (verbally) step out of the background more often. Being a Goddess, I always imaged her as the Thor of the team. I'd like to see the bad guys fear and respect her Narya form. She been around long enough, she shouldn't have to turn into the Wendigo and say BOO! for people to fear her. I'd also like her to visit her parents more. Like Thor, I'd like to see her go back and forth from the "God plain" and Earth. I want to see the team from a God's perspective. I'd also like them to do something with Anne McKenzie now that she's being used again. Does she have her own personality or is she just another shape? I find it funny she, a God, (along with Shaman) is the only one with a day job. I'd like to see her job be of use to the team like when she was an RCMP.
    Totally agree with Canucklehead on this. Great points!

    he'll appreciate the freedom he has and be able to relate to Northstar a little more, knowing he can't just turn off his mutant power.
    This is also a good point. Disagree with the rest about Mac's powers, however.

    Bring in some more of the early Alphans (Madison Jeffries in particular). while staying away from the later ones (Please God... nothing from vol. 3). Maybe find a way to bring back Diamond Lil and Nemesis, two of my favourite secondary characters.
    Alphan East, although i hated most of the stories in Volume 3, i think a lot of the characters there were really good, and would have no probloem seeing more of them (anyone who has read my rants in favour of Rob Liefeld knows that i REALLY appreciate the creation of good characters!). Outside of Yukon Jack (who i really think would make a better villain, and for sure a great foil for Snowbird, lol), I don't think i'd like any to actually join the team, tho.

    There's also plenty of cross-over potential with Wolverine, Wild Child, and Sabertooth. Even the Magik - Witchfire connection could turn into an Alpha Flight/New Mutants story.
    Yup, for sure.

    I want Jeffries to return. thanks! After how he was so reluctant as a hero when he originally showed up, and then later his convoluted relationship with Heather...i really don't think FVL and Pak will want to touch this guy. And nor should they, imho.

    And I hope we get to see Marrina clock Namor.
    Lol. That should be at the top fo the list. That's still gonan be an awesome sight. Hm...maybe we should add a few appearance by Mailman Mike, with the team standing in a line and everyone taking turns b*t%#-slapping him! lol.

    Definitely bring back Talisman. In many ways, she is just as powerful as Shaman. Plus, she was so devastated in the Omega Flight series over her father's apparent death, she should be showing up soon.
    Same with Wolverine. Mac and Heather were pretty much the only "family" he has ever had... hoping for an emotional reunion for the three of them once Heather gets her head on straight again.
    Yes, yes, and yes! Although...colour me weird, but i do not see Heather being a 'good guy' in the near future. I could be wrong, but...

    I also agree about the Dreamqueen....She's one of the few triumphs of the Mantlo's run (I also happen to have liked Pestilence...He was just sooooo darned evil).

    I also mentioned in another thread about expanding the supporting cast (Walter's never before seen son, Heather's huge family, former team members who are now possibly de-powered, etc...)

    Pestilence was great, and should be brought back...agreed! And, yes, continue the "Alpha is a family (disfunctional, tho)" line of thought, for sure!

    I would like to see the North gods be shown as major manipulators, constantly meddling in mortal affairs (doing some nasty deeds here and there too to further their own ends)...maybe putting Snowbird and Alpha at odds on occasion.
    Awesome idea!

    Villains I'd like to see also (some have already been mentioned), The Master, the Great Beasts, Graviton, Caliber (don't laugh! LOL!), Nemesis (not necessarily as an enemy, just more of a vigilante thorn-in-Alpha's side and there's no reason why it has to be the same woman, as most of the times she's appeared it seems to have been various women, anyway)....I'd really love to see Delphine Courtney uploaded/rebooted/etc.. into a new body somehow (Jerry Jaxon alive would also be deliciously evil)...Wild Child too.
    Agree with all of these.

    Hm. Not much more to add, you have all really covoured most of the major stuff already! Hm...I would like to see the series be written just a bit like the West Coast Avengers run was at its beginning. That series was always more about character conflict within the team, more than the villains they fought. Everyone argued with everybody else, yet somehow they also still got along and did a great job; like family. Oh, and the way they dragged out the "who will be the sixth member" storyline was great; Alpha could easily eventually do something of that sort as well.

    Nobody mentioned Earthmover yet. Even if he isn't 'used', per se, we should still get some sort of update on him that at least explains where he is and what he has been doing!

    Looking forward to a great, long run of the The Flight! May those Canadian outlaws live forever!
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 08-28-2011 at 09:37 PM.
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  13. #13


    I want the Dreamqueen to be brought back, a new Beta, Gamma and Omega Flights, Lil, Jeffries and Wildchild brought back. A new Box, preferably not Jeffries. More Master (I'm almost positive he's behind the stuff currently going down) a gigantic Great Beasts story. I'd love to see more Earthly avatars of the great beasts, ya know. Ghost Girl, Flex, Radius and Murmur to come back. Some awesome new villains. A crossover with the Hulk, or the X-Men. New characters who aren't going to be part of the team, just expand the group of Canadian supers. I'm sure I can think of more if I put my mind to it. And of course, Talisman is to be brought back immediately.

  14. #14
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I want to see Snowbird get an arch-nemesis in Raven the trickster, or Loki. Someone who could mess with her on a godly level, and engage her in a kick butt shape shifting battle.

    I like Talisman's idea of the Great Beasts having Earthly avatars, but I'd want them more like Juggernaut: humans embodying the gods' powers. They wouldn't be as powerful as the Beasts, but you'd have a nice little super villain group working to constantly bring the GB's back, or just using their powers to create mayhem.

    AF needs more supporting characters like Kyle. Puck needs a girlfriend for starters. Walter should stop chasing after Aurora, it's obvious she ain't into him at this point, and find a new squeeze. Snowbird should find a new love interest too.

    Bring back Colin Hume, either re-powered as Windshear, or put him in the Box armour if we can't have Jefferies. Colin is too good a character to waste. Maybe stick him in Beta Flight at first.

    Mac and Walter should be putting their great intellects to better use, and supe up AF's existing tech. Why not use the Guardian tech in their Alpha jets so they can jaunt across the continent, or the ocean, albeit in a westerly direction only?

    Build up a really good, really deep pool of villains. Make one of them Graviton. Put together a villain group to rival AF.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Walter should stop chasing after Aurora, it's obvious she ain't into him at this point, and find a new squeeze.
    i agree. Walter should go after some one more like him. here is my pick.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6a00d834527eb169e2&#4.jpg 
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ID:	1418
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

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