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Thread: What Do YOU Want From Alpha Flight?

  1. #31


    You know what? I kinda second wanting to see Zuzha Yu at some point.
    Yeah, i'd like to see this too, eh!

    I'd like to see the team having lives outside of superheroics, so we get to spend time with them as people.
    I want them having good times to counteract the constant fighting.
    Totally agree. And the good times will come. Right now, they are in the fight of their lives!

    I also want the kids back, in Beta/Gamma Flights
    I'd actually vote 'no' on this one. These concepts have never worked that well.

    A new Zodiac, maybe more mystical ties to them
    That'd be good!

    Smart Alec's return
    Who says he HASNT returned?!?

    I have a great amount of respect for Toronto. Its the 5th largest metropolitan area in North America... but it is not the be all and end all of Canada.
    I partially disagree. To anyone outside of Toronto, it is definitely the 'end' of Canada...the back end.

    some of the old AFers who we hadn't seen for a while just to see what they've been up to.
    IMHO, a better idea than Gamma and Beta Fligths.
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  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Silvian_Bruno View Post
    Sypes I agree with everything you said, but I'm curious what you're referring to when you mention meaningful deaths, since the AF mass kill-off was about as anti-climatic as it gets.

    I know that it's kind of a staple of big comic crossover events to kill off a lesser known character or two to show how serious the situation is (or how "badass" an author's new pet villain can be) but doing so with roughly twenty characters off-panel is particularly brazen.
    That's exactly my point. I hate when they kill someone just for sale or kill him/her/them in a cheap way. The death should either be a well planned surprise or a thrill ride to the end.

    I thought Guardian's first "death" was exciting. I didn't see it coming, the serie had only started, it was unexpected and shocking (at least to me). And I feel the team grew from that point, Heather came in to herself and a leader, there were painful memories associated to their history, a background story. And Guardian became a symbol that the others could aim to become, establish deep team values and honor in memories...

    if any of that make sense haha

  3. #33


    Heroes: Talisman!! Laura (to teleport the team). Re-designed and 3-dimensional Goblin. Radius as the new Box. Depowered Flex as communications/admin officer. whitman as the team doctor. Also, since they are everywhere…Wolverine and Spiderman. (Kidding)

    Villains: Pestilence, Loki, the Master, Great Beasts, Dream Queen, Wyre (think he’d be good as villain), Pink Pearl as a kingpin leading a group of low level super-criminals. Run ins with the China Force/Winter Guard/Weapon Prime/Michael Pointer.

    Plots lines: Some stand alone character driven stories focusing on one or two members. The complete explanation/resolution of Marrina’s leviathan mess so that it is washed away for good, never can be brought up/used again, and forgotten. The Smallwood’s reaction to the new Marrina. A visit from the Submariner (his wife is alive again…). (Yes, this is Marrina heavy, but I have always liked her and feel she is the most under-used & abused and has potential.)

  4. #34


    USA vs Canada would be sweet. alpha flight wants mailman mike to stand trial for his crimes in canada and the usa won't let him go. so all heroes from canada would band together against the american super heroes in an epic war. it would be interesting.
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  5. #35


    I did write a long-ass post yesterday, but it was just as the site went down so I'll try and remember most of it;

    I'm quite apprehensive. as an ongoing doesn't automatically guarantee us a set number of issues. The title may well just run to #12.
    Volume's 2 & 3 were ongoing let's not forget.

    Because of that I don't want the series to just become a Marvel Two-In-One and have guest appearances all the time in order to try and boost sales/'save' the series.
    I want a chance to let these characters grow and shine and get the team some face time as a team.

    Having The Avengers & Wolverine show up to check on Canada after the global carnage caused by Fear Itself makes sense so I don't mind, but I'd rather have a massive global terror take over the rest of the world and incapactitate The Avengers and AF have to go and save them and the world; the complete opposite of The Collective storyline. That kind of thing.
    Having Wolverine just turn up and be Wolverine for no reason at all would just jarr with me.
    Likewise, Captain Britain & MI:13 make sense because of the Commonwealth aspect, and is a nice throwback to the AF World Tour. If the UK is involved I'd quite like to see a cameo panel of Windshear, even if unnamed for the fans.

    I'd like to see cameos/guest appearances of AF in other titles too. Editorial kept saying that lots of people had pitched AF series' but they weren't quite right untill Freg's. That must mean that there are Marvel writers who like AF. Let's see them put some in.
    Let's see Mac & Walt used as geniuses in their relevant fields. Let's see Shaman being a shaman and a doctor.

    I'd like to see a crossover with Herc. It makes sense with the writing team and it'd be nice to see Snowbird's affections now Herc is mortal. The fact that half the team is alive due to him is relevant too.

    How 'Regenesis' affects Northstar & Jeffries positions on X-teams could lead to stories later on.
    Similar sort of thing with Namor. I'd like to see a punk Marrina slap him.

    Having Loki, Belasco & Witchfire show up as villains down the line would work, integrating more with the MU and giving real reasons for guest appearances from Thor/Avengers/Magik/X-Men/New Mutants.
    I don't think bringing back too many old characters is a wise idea.
    The team is already pretty big and adding past members will just confuse and put off new readers.
    Seeing Talisman actually reconnect with her father would be a nice touch. She's still in recent memory from Omega Flight and the Unity computer simulation. But I wouldn't want her to join the team. She's too similar to her father for casual readers. A panel of her training an unnamed Earthmover possibly, or something.

    Depending on how the Fear Itself storyline wraps up would affect the outcome of Persuasion/Purple Woman.
    If Heather does leave AF due to her actions I'd like her to become more of a behind the scenes person ala how Byrne had her at the start.
    I could see Persuasion filling her spot if it turns out she's been brainwashed all along. It's relevant and the rehabilitation angle works. It'll also cause tension with her & Northstar over Kyle etc.
    If however she hasn't I could see a rogue Alpha Strike team operating as regular villains. Possibly becoming a new Weapon PRIME rather than Alpha Strike when no longer government sanctioned. I don't see the point in both teams existing as they're pretty much the same thing.

    I think that was about it, but I've probably forgotten stuff.

    EDIT: I did;

    It would have been nice to see Puck's backstory with Zuzha and for Walt to y'know, actually tell them they're related, but now she's dead I don't think there'd be any point rehashing it out.
    I do however think Walt's son should be introduced, possibly as a villain although that may be a tad cliché.
    Some arguments with his ex-wife too perhaps.

    Another EDIT:

    I'd love, love, LOVE for Marvel to try and offer an olive branch to Byrne and get a variant cover for an issue, but I don't think it'll ever happen.

    A crosshairs cover for #12 is on my wishlist too.
    Last edited by Phil; 08-31-2011 at 08:58 AM.

  6. #36


    Dear Greg Pak and Fred van Lente,

    Now that you have an ongoing Alpha Flight series (congratulations!), who are you going to kill off in issue 12? Better get cracking on that answer, it comes quick!

    Also, don't forget to get Dale up to speed on what the cover for that issue will look like.

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  7. #37
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Congratulations on Alpha Flight becoming an on-going. I agree with Jason that I hope Fred, Greg, and Dale can continue to express their vision of the team. At this point, I would like to see a self-contained story (a la 0.1) from time to time; the multi-issue arcs that get collected into hardcovers have become too common, IMO, just like the cross-hair #12. Time for something different.

  8. #38


    As much as I love all of the history AF has, I think developing the core team is the way to go, at least for the first two years. I don't want to scare new fans away, and a lot of AF's past is pretty scary.

    Also, whoever said Sas + Squirrel Girl = genius. LOL
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  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by bigbloo View Post
    Also, whoever said Sas + Squirrel Girl = genius. LOL

    thank you. i think she is a way better fit for walter and she would be great for alpha flight if she would join the team (even tho she is american).
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  10. #40
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs View Post
    I think it would be a perfect opportunity to reawaken the 'ClanDestine'. Like the original 'New Warriors' they were the nearest to the way Alpha were portrayed.
    ... Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!
    ClanDestine returns in all their Alan Davis glory, and Alpha guest star!!!
    I've just always wanted to see Alan Davis' take on the team.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    And one to miscount it.
    There. Were. FOUR LIGHTS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Banshee View Post
    3.The Hudsons move into their old house on the hill from volume 1 Byrne issues (world recession etc etc)
    Last I checked, I thought they were back there. For no adequately explored reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Banshee View Post
    5. Gilded Lily-Menacing, Mysterious, Macabre!
    Creepy. Cooky. Mysterious. Spooky!
    Nice cover quote!

    - Le Messor
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  11. #41


    There. Were. FOUR LIGHTS!!!
    Okay, so, I'm not a Buddhist. Maybe i am misunderstanding something in the translation? Does one light bulb normally have four lights?

    You DiD say that it took four Buddhists to change one light bulb...then only described what three were doing...?...

    Once again, I'm lost...
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  12. #42


    Freg brought us some great stuff from Alpha Flight's History. They have kept the original team together with a twist. Now that they have succeeded and gained the trust of fans, I'd like to see them add more of their own flare. Maybe introduce a new character or two into a new Beta flight, perhaps create a new, strong, Alpha Flight-centric villain. I'd like to see them take liberties with flight now that they have worked with the foundation.

    One thing Geoff Johns is so good at is taking a character back to his roots, building upon the foundation that made them great and then playing with that mythos going forward. If "Freg" have built the solid foundation on the original team, which they have, then now is the time to play around with the mythos and take liberties. Put their mark on them.

  13. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender View Post
    now is the time to play around with the mythos and take liberties. Put their mark on them.
    i agree. they should create a new villain and who knows maybe that is what they are doing now.

    but i would also like them to do team ups with other marvel characters but not the big names. alpha flight for some odd reason as always been an outcast in the marvel universe. they should build on that and bring other outcast into the fold. i would love to see a crossover with the G.L.Xmen or what ever they are going by now, that would also open the door for my suggestion earlier with squirrel girl and sasquatch. or maybe bring generation x or the new mutants over. moon knight would be cool or even the punisher. why does it normally (not always) have to be the x-men or the avengers crossing over?
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender View Post
    Maybe introduce a new character or two into a new Beta flight, perhaps create a new, strong, Alpha Flight-centric villain. I'd like to see them take liberties with flight now that they have worked with the foundation.
    Didn't they sort of do that by making Heather a villain? I understand she might be under the influence of something/someone but I doubt there is any turning back at this point...

  15. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by batman_von_gein View Post
    why does it normally (not always) have to be the x-men or the avengers crossing over?
    Do the Avengers of X-men need a passport to "cross over" to Canada? Would we send planes to escort them over if they don't identify themselves? They probably have a Nexxus card right...

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