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Thread: Article: Save The Date for... The Wedding of Jean-Paul & Kyle?

  1. #1

    Default Article: Save The Date for... The Wedding of Jean-Paul & Kyle?

  2. #2


    Can someone explain to me what the difference between Astonishing X-men and regular X-men is? Is it an alternative universe , sort of like Ultimate X-men or Marvel Noir kind of thing...? I'm thinking of buying Astonishing X-men now that Northstar will be in it, but if it's not the "real world", I sort of feel cheated by it all or anything that happens in it.

  3. #3


    It's regular 616 universe.
    It's just another title.
    It's the one that started off with Joss Whedon writing, and has continued since he left it.

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Definitely 616 continuity... but it was much better when Joss Whedon wrote it. At least, I dropped it during the next run (Warren Ellis?).

    - Le Messor
    "By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn."
    ~ Latin proverb

  5. #5


    Yeah, the Whedon run was near-perfect; especially in one big sitting.
    As much of an Ellis fan as I am, his run left a lot to be desired. The Ghost Box concept had promise but lacked execution, and the Brood arc was pointless. Daniel Way's arc after was even worse. Christos Gage and Greg Pak's runs were fun, but nothing meaty.
    All IMO of course.

    I'm looking forward to Liu's run though, her Daken and X-23 surprised me and I really enjoyed both.

  6. #6


    Whedon was a tough act to follow. I dropped it but will be adding to my digital comic pick list

  7. #7


    Thanks guys. I'm pretty much sold. I'll start getting them in March

  8. #8
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I'm disappointed this couldn't happen in an AF book, but... oh well. Do you think AF will at least be invited to the wedding?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I'm disappointed this couldn't happen in an AF book, but... oh well. Do you think AF will at least be invited to the wedding?
    Maybe they will all be there... just off panel of course!

    p.s. man am I glad this site is back... missed all of you

  10. #10


    [QUOTE=DIGGER;83956]Maybe they will all be there... just off panel of course!

    Ha! Another dig by Digger!
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  11. #11


    I hope that Alpha is there for the wedding, it would be stupidity for the writer to exclude them. BTW: It sounds like Ms Liu may be using Northstar more often, that's a good thing...If hes going to be in an X-Book, I'd like to see him actually be used rather than how most writers have been using him (filler in crowd scenes).

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 03-25-2012 at 09:17 PM.

  12. #12


    Wouldn't they be getting married in Canada, anyway? I don't get the point of marrying in the U.S. if they're not U.S. citizens (is Kyle a U.S. citizen?)?


  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    I don't get the point of marrying in the U.S.
    Um...that would be because most comic book writers prefer the version of the world where there is absolutely nothing worth seeing or mentioning beyond the borders of America itself.
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  14. #14


    From CBR:
    Game changers for 2012: A Wedding, A First Meeting and Rebirth. It's time for a ReEvolution of comics as we know it, and we're hoping every fan reading this joins us for the biggest year in our history.

  15. #15


    "It's pretty simple: We want to give customers the books they want. We've heard from customers loud and clear that they want more of the core books and less limited series."

    So...according to David Gabriel, our hope to see Alpha Flight appear in more mini or maxi series seems to be fizzling out and dying an unnatural and early death. That puts another nail in the AF coffin. Not good enough (sales) to be in a regular series, and Marvel says people don't want to see so many limited series so they won't put out nearly as many - doesn't sound good.
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