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Thread: Introduce Yourself

  1. #421


    Hi Everyone,

    I've just found this site after getting interested in my old comic books again. I have most of the first 62 issues of Alpha Flight and the first two annuals. I also have the Cat's-Paw Marvel Role Playing module. The first time I saw members of Alpha Flight were in the old Dragon magazine. I've included a pic below since I noticed the article wasn't in the TSR RPG thread.

    If anyone would like to see the rest of the article I can post it here. My humble abode is in Connecticut. As far as other interests. I collect Star Wars action figure prototypes, Led Zeppelin memorabilia, and own a restored Plymouth E Body 'Cuda Barracuda.

    Last edited by Sems Fir; 11-12-2012 at 09:17 PM.

  2. #422


    Quote Originally Posted by Sems Fir View Post
    If anyone would like to see the rest of the article I can post it here.
    I'd be very interested in seeing the rest of the article if you can post it. I've heard of the Cat's Paws RPG before, but still don't know much about it.

    P.S. - Great pic of Guardian & Box.
    The Flight Forever !

  3. #423


    Hey Robert, welcome to! That image you posted is from an article by Jeff Grubb, who also wrote the Cat's Paw module, published in Dragon Magazine #97 (May 1985). The article is in a series of "Marvel-Phile" entries which contain additional character info to supplement the MSHRPG from TSR. That issue has character info for Talisman (Elizabeth), Box (Roger) and Guardian (Mac). It's a three-page article with a preceding fourth page featuring a full-page splash of Talisman from the cover of Alpha Flight #19 (with Heather, Shaman, Puck and Snowbird in the background) as the main illustration for the sci-fi gaming section of the magazine. A smaller b/w thumbnailed inset in the section describes the splash page and credits John Byrne for the art.

    According to the text of the character bios and the May 1985 cover date, that issue was contemporaneous with Alpha Flight #23 or so. Wow, another long-time fan joins us!

    I hope you didn't actually rip out that page, Robert! Your scan looks nice and clean but the left edge looks quite jagged and the right-side hole punches are puzzling because that's a right hand page, unless someone made loose-leaf bound books of the Marvel-Phile pages and arranged it that way. I too have very high quality scans of those pages if anyone is interested. I also have a text version of the article for some reason.

    Check out Dragon magazines #106, #107, #176 and #181 for additional Marvel-Phile columns with more Alpha Flight characters and updates. They're fairly hard to find with covers in good condition but the paper quality from back then was very high and over time they have held up great, so even if you get a somewhat beat-up copy your interior pages should still look terrific.

    Welcome again to the boards!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  4. #424


    Welcome Robert!

    own a restored Plymouth E Body 'Cuda Barracuda
    And I'd like to see THAT!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  5. #425
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    And I'd like to see THAT!
    Oh, now wouldn't ya? Barracuda?

    Aww, have a Heart.

  6. #426


    Hmm.. are they original illustrations?
    The signature & date would suggest so, but they're very much in the style of handbook entries...

    Nice little index of the issues here.
    Last edited by Phil; 11-13-2012 at 07:16 AM.

  7. #427
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've just been figuring Byrne did original handbook-style illustrations.

    ~ Le Messor
    "It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but the result's the same."
    ~ Mike Dennison
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-27-2015 at 04:40 PM.

  8. #428


    Hi Everyone,

    Thank you for the kind welcome. Yes, I dismantled the Dragon magazines in my younger days. I had quite a few but a after a while they took up too much space so I performed a quick rip and destroy surgery on the collection. I still have a couple. I kept the MSH articles including a couple of more articles on Omega Flight, which are in the other thread. Here's the rest of the article:

    Here's an older image of my restored 'Cuda:

    At least I didn't destroy the comics!


  9. #429


    Here's an older image of my restored 'Cuda:
    Nice! Extremely jealous, my new internet friend, extremely jealous.
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  10. #430


    NAME: Joey Moreno
    Sept. 17, 1985
    Miami, Florida
    Physical Therapy Student and Pro Bodybuilder (Not enthusiast .. an actual professional, lol)
    Superheroes, Movies, MMA, Bodybuilding, Gymnastics, PC Gaming, Skateboarding and Eating.

    I was raised and still reside in Miami, Florida. I'm currently engaged to a gorgeous Canadian. I grew up in an action-movie-loving household. Now I believe I can actually become one of those on screen heroes (totally kidding). Well, that's pretty much it


  11. #431
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Welcome aboard, Joey. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

    And good luck with that action hero ambition. We need more of those on Alpha Waves.

    What brought you to Alpha Flight?

    ~ Le Messor
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-27-2015 at 04:38 PM.

  12. #432


    Thanks for the warm welcome Le Messor. It means a lot

    What brought me here is wanting to know if there were any Canadian superheroes. There had to be more than just Wolverine. Once I found Alpha Flight i looked into it and really liked it. I liked it even more when I noticed I could definitely dress up at Puck. That's my next goal on the list.

  13. #433


    Quote Originally Posted by hydro View Post
    Thanks for the warm welcome Le Messor. It means a lot

    What brought me here is wanting to know if there were any Canadian superheroes. There had to be more than just Wolverine. Once I found Alpha Flight i looked into it and really liked it. I liked it even more when I noticed I could definitely dress up at Puck. That's my next goal on the list.
    Yo hydro! Welcome to the boards. We'd love to see your cosplay Puck. Send in the pics and we'll get them on this site for sure!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  14. #434


    Thank you rplass! I definitely will share when that time comes around. I'm extremely excited!

  15. #435
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Which series have you read? What did you like?

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