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Thread: Newsarma's Obscure Stars

  1. #16


    ...and I dont mean to derail the topic but I was curious about something. I havent read an X-book in a very long time. How did Wolverine react to Northstar joining the X-Men? Do they hang out? Talk old times? Does Logan push to have Aurora join? He was the one who found her and helped them reunite

  2. #17


    Wildcard, Northstar and Aurora re-joined the X-Men in Secret Invasion: X-Men #2 ( Nov 2008 ) . No mention was made of this again until Wolverine re-recruited Northstar more formally into the X-Men in Uncanny X-Men #508. Their combined reaction was odd because they didn't address the fact that Logan had killed him in their previous encounter; additionally, Matt Fraction wrote a bizarre crack against Alpha Flight. Northstar accepted the invitation to join which was done right in Aurora's presence. They've not talked old times. While in the Uncanny title, Northstar was more aligned with Dazzler than Wolverine.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  3. #18
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcard View Post
    I think and have thought before about how cool it would be to see Walter make an appearace in The Avengers.
    Well, he was a member of an alternate team in Avengers Forever. But only seen in a panel or two in the background.

    ~ Le Messor
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  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Their combined reaction was odd because they didn't address the fact that Logan had killed him in their previous encounter
    I thought one of the lines he used was "Plus, I feel bad about killing you that one time." (paraphrased from memory)

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Well, he was a member of an alternate team in Avengers Forever. But only seen in a panel or two in the background.
    As we found out in the comments to Rob's excellent (and missed) site that it was the artist (Carlos Pacheco) who chose which Alphans to use, but at least Busiek told him to add Alphans in which is exactly my point in the poll thread.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I thought one of the lines he used was "Plus, I feel bad about killing you that one time." (paraphrased from memory)
    Yes, that was it. Now dig out your Millar issues of Wolverine from 2005, specifically the bar scene from issue #28. Now that's a reaction. It just doesn't compare. Fraction really screwed up that scene and missed out on 30+ years of character history, intensity between two intense characters and dumped a cavalier and flippant tone onto Northstar's 616 death, which other writers treated with solemnity.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  7. #22


    Oh agree it was addressed inadequately, but it was addressed.

  8. #23
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    As we found out in the comments to Rob's excellent (and missed) site that it was the artist (Carlos Pacheco) who chose which Alphans to use, but at least Busiek told him to add Alphans in which is exactly my point in the poll thread.
    That is cool!
    Busiek is one of those people who I barely think have heard of Alpha... (Was it him or Waid who wrote Marvels? I sometimes wonder about Alex Ross, y'see, who I'm pretty sure has never painted an Alphan.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Oh agree it was addressed inadequately, but it was addressed.
    Like my mail!

    ~ Le Messor
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  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That is cool!
    Busiek is one of those people who I barely think have heard of Alpha... (Was it him or Waid who wrote Marvels? I sometimes wonder about Alex Ross, y'see, who I'm pretty sure has never painted an Alphan.)
    Except Busiek was the one that put Marrina in the Master storyline where Ms. marvel was fighting the Plodex and missed her body being in stasis in Avengers, continuing the "false death" storyline, wasn't he? That makes me think he was a fan.
    Stop the Goblyn hate!

  10. #25


    Yeah the Master himself appearing and becoming a serious threat I thought was great for the character.

  11. #26


    He respects characters and continuity. I'm a big fan of his.

    Also, he wrote the What If Wolverine fought Weapon X issue that featured the First Flight team.
    The man knows his stuff.

  12. #27


    Oooooh I didn't even know he did that. Sucked that he killed all the chracters, but still was a decent read.

  13. #28
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    Oh, yeah, I like Busiek. Not saying otherwise. I just wonder about particular creators sometimes, and he's one.

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  14. #29


    I've often wondered if one of the items holding back Langkowski from appearing in other books stems from the pain in the ass he can be to draw for artists. Lets face it, to do a real good Sasquatch takes a more effort and time than the normal figure.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by PWalk View Post
    I've often wondered if one of the items holding back Langkowski from appearing in other books stems from the pain in the ass he can be to draw for artists. Lets face it, to do a real good Sasquatch takes a more effort and time than the normal figure.
    I'm pretty sure that's not much of a problem for most of them.

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