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Thread: Infinity

  1. #1

    Default Infinity

    Well, against my better judgement, i let the guy at my LCS pull me into this six-issue mini-series.

    I'm reading it.

    I'm hating it.

    It isn't entertainment. It isn't even really a superhero story, it is some black and dark sci-fi epic full of Marvel back-pounding and blowhardedness.

    I wouldn't let a child or even a teen read it. Not to worry though, as none of them would touch it. As an adult, i cannot make much sense of it. There is no sense of wonder, no right and wrong,

    There's just nothing.

    It is like reading a science manual, with pictures; only, a science manual that is completely made up with false facts, so you can't even learn anything if you try to.

    Builders, destroyers, worlds perishing, millions being slaughtered...this is SO not what i want to read for "entertainment". What happened to good versus evil, on a scale that real people can actually recognize? What was wrong with heroes taking down thugs who've robbed liquor stores and such? Why pollute our minds with this new, inane dribble?

    The only thing more disturbing than the story itself, may be the sick minds that created it.

    At this point, i feel DIRTY for even having touched this series. Embarrassed that i gave money to the creators of it. Sick to my stomach, knowing that this is now what passes for entertainment in the minds of those at Marvel.

    Even though i am enjoying Marvel's new Fearless Defenders series, i am now considering quitting it as well, just so that i can be done with Marvel once and forever. This mini-series has turned me off, to THAT degree.

    Utter crap, and joyless tripe. Those are the nicest things I can say about it.

    Let me just say, there are a lot of companies and comics out there that are doing it right, that still have that old-time feel to them. NONE of them are put out by Marvel, and few by DC. Go do a little digging and find these hidden gems, enlighten yourselves to the joy that can still be found in some comic books...and stay far away from crap like this.
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    it is some black and dark sci-fi epic
    Now I'm interested.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    At this point, i feel DIRTY for even having touched this series.
    Now I'm interested, too.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Let me just say, there are a lot of companies and comics out there that are doing it right, that still have that old-time feel to them. NONE of them are put out by Marvel, and few by DC. Go do a little digging and find these hidden gems, enlighten yourselves to the joy that can still be found in some comic books...and stay far away from crap like this.
    Dynamite is easily my favourite publisher right now.

  5. #5


    While I agree mostly about Infinity itself, it is by no means a new idea by Marvel.

    The Kree-Skrull War, the Captain Mar-Vell/Warlock group vs. Thanos stuff, Infinity Gauntlet...all of these and many more epic sci-fi big scope stories have been done before. To me, the difference is those stories had more heart, more soul, if you will. There was still characterization going on in the midst of those stories.

    That is one of Johnathan Hickman's (the writer of Infinity and Avengers) faults. He is unable to make me want to root for his heroes, or even like them; nor the opposite for his villains. They just...exist. They are just weapons or chess pieces moving about a large, overly-convoluted board.

    Like you said, there are a few gems out there, even among Marvel books. Daredevil by Mark Waid has been just full of heart and soul. It's enjoyable, relevant, and fun, even when things are going wrong for DD and pals. Uncanny Avengers is another one I'm really enjoying right now. To me it fells more like The Avengers I grew up with than the actual Avengers title.

  6. #6


    Since I am a huge Rom fan, I was so looking forward to Hickman's Infinity since I knew the Spaceknights would be in it. I was so ticked off that the Spaceknights and their homeworld Galador (and most likely Wraithworld) were annihilated out of existence that I still haven't finished reading Infinity 1 yet.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Since I am a huge Rom fan, I was so looking forward to Hickman's Infinity since I knew the Spaceknights would be in it. I was so ticked off that the Spaceknights and their homeworld Galador (and most likely Wraithworld) were annihilated out of existence that I still haven't finished reading Infinity 1 yet.
    Shades of Avengers 16, anyone?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by TSOG View Post
    Shades of Avengers 16, anyone?
    Well technically New Avengers 16. At least the Spaceknights were killed on panel. Hickman is currently in the doghouse because of this.

  9. #9


    Yeah, the Spaceknights are another of Marvel's characters that have been crapped on for years to make the villain of the month seem more important.

    With the resurgence of Marvel's cosmic stuff, it seems the perfect time to flex some of that Disney muscle and finally buy the rights to Rom.

    Then again, if they did get the rights Marvel would probably kill him off in one panel to make "SuperCosmicBaddie643" look kewl.

    Then Tom B. and the others will claim how much they loved the character but killing him was "necessary to the story".

    I'm grumpy.

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Well technically New Avengers 16. At least the Spaceknights were killed on panel. Hickman is currently in the doghouse because of this.
    Your doghouse, or Marvel's, or fandom in general's?

    This series sounds like the kind of thing that's been making it so hard for me to be a comics reader lately; but Marvel have had a few good ones.
    Wolverine and the X-Men, Wolverine are both good. Despite me not being a Wolverine fan. Amazing X-Men is looking tood, too. (Gah! I want to get away from the X!)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Live fast, die young, and leave a good lookin' corpse."
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  11. #11


    Having caught up with Infinity I don't mind it. It's not the greatest thing I've read, but it's definitely not the worst.

    You definitely need to read Avengers & New Avengers to understand it though.

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's another crossover. I won't read it. If I'd been paying attention, I would've skipped the Nova issue that was a crossover - glad I didn't, though. It was a good issue, that showed his own little story that tied into Infinity without requiring you to read it.

    Unlike Wolverine and the X-Men, and its crossover with whatever the latest X-Xover is... guys, skip issue 36. Really! (Unless you're into the crossovers.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Look under the sofa cushion; you will be surprised at what you find."

  13. #13


    You'll probably wanna skip #37 too then Mik.
    And possibly the Annual as well, as that's an Infinity tie-in. Although it is focused on Kid Gladiator, so may be fun.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Already planning to skip #37, but hadn't even thought about annuals. Thanks!

    ~ LM

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Your doghouse, or Marvel's, or fandom in general's?
    My doghouse and probably every Rom fan's doghouse. Two spaceknights appear in Avengers 21 today so this is a positive step towards escaping the doghouse. Hopefully there are more surviving Spaceknights.

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