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Thread: Crackity Jones' Discovery Of Alpha Flight

  1. #256


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    You said I might not like it, you never said it was going to be worst thing EVER.
    It wasn't just the Mac stuff that got to me.
    It was Heather and her stupid thought bubbles of how awful Mac was (on the anniversary of his death?) and then making out with Jeffries. I don't think that could have been written any worse.
    Thank you. That scene was what made me really start to despise Jeffries, and I never really got over that. I have always felt that their relationship was too forced.
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  2. #257


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Thank you. That scene was what made me really start to despise Jeffries, and I never really got over that. I have always felt that their relationship was too forced.
    I know, I just kind of, you know, in my head, pretend that #52 didn't happen.
    There was nothing right about that issue at all.

  3. #258


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    When it's funny?
    Oh, yeah. I'll leave that to you, Le Messor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Hmm... I thought it had been retconned out later (CJ - I was referring to the Mac stuff).
    Sorry, I thought you were talking about whether or not Gary Cody was dead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    They're measured in Megajeans.
    Aww! hahahahaha!

  4. #259


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    And wtf @ her finding out Wolverine loved her and then being all, "DOILOVEWOLVERINETOO?? MAYBEICOULD."
    Shut up, Heather. Just. Shut. Up. Just do not think. You're horrible at it.
    I agree. Heather was ruined as soon as she put that costume on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    There was a panel where she draped it over her body, 'I don't know what I'm doing, really. Reminiscing?' but she never actually wore it in Byrne's run.
    Thank you. I recalled that scene where she drapes it on in front of a mirror. And I was pretty sure she never actually put it on during Byrne's run. I am just at work and couldn't confirm for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Thank you. That scene was what made me really start to despise Jeffries, and I never really got over that. I have always felt that their relationship was too forced.
    I never liked the character. Other than when he first appeared and made the Box armor for Bochs.

    I will say, however, I did like how he could "shape" metal and his brother (since I know Crackity is past this issue) could shape flesh. I thought that was a great contrast between the two characters. I really liked that. And that was a Bill story! So that proves he could tell a good story and did have some good ideas!

  5. #260


    I am still recovering from #52 before moving forward.
    It's like that nasty cough syrup my mom used to make me take when I was real little.
    It would give me shivers and nausea and make me salivate from its nastiness. And I would have that taste in my mouth forever no matter how much beverage I'd wash it down with.

  6. #261
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Defies credibility...

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    I am so blasted pissed at #52.

    I'm sad that it's not just me.

    CJ, I haven't gotten how to do the multiple "reply with quotes" like everybody else, but all the comments posted about # 52 (and the warning that Phil mentioned) indicate just how off-base the MANTLO era is. I stopped believing any of the MANTLO era happened with this issue: it was just a comic that got published pretty much on time. No amount of "Dark Guardian"-residue could explain all the things that Heather did, especially since she was integrally-involved with helping Mac establish the team! And Mac "creating" BEDLAM from a murderous convict (who is both referred to as a man and shown to be a woman, in the same issue)...

    I'm also not that familiar with Chuck "Earthmover" Moss and I'm pretty sure they are not the same character, but wasn't one of the Asguardian-enhanced humans in THE GIFT named "Earthmover"?
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 06-21-2014 at 01:05 PM.

  7. #262


    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post

    I'm sad that it's not just me.

    CJ, I haven't gotten how to do the multiple "reply with quotes" like everybody else, but all the comments posted about # 52 (and the warning that Phil mentioned) indicate just how off-base the MANTLO era is. I stopped believing any of the MANTLO era happened with this issue: it was just a comic that got published pretty much on time. No amount of "Dark Guardian"-residue could explain all the things that Heather did, especially since she was integrally-involved with helping Mac establish the team! And Mac "creating" BEDLAM from a murderous convict (who is both referred to as a man and shown to be a woman, in the same issue)...

    I'm also not that familiar with Chuck "Earthmover" Moss and I'm pretty sure they are not the same character, but wasn't one of the Asguardian-enhanced humans in THE GIFT named "Earthmover"?
    Are you going to cry (again) with me?
    My misery would LOVE some company along the way...

  8. #263
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default I'd probably write something really, REALLY long, detailing what I think is wrong...

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Are you going to cry (again) with me?
    My misery would LOVE some company along the way...
    No, I get mad when inane stuff happens and people are supposed to just take it. As mentioned, over 22 issues of this stuff...MARVEL must've known what it was publishing. At a time when DC comics was publishing WATCHMEN and THE DARK KNIGHT, Marvel was putting out AF# 52-53/the Mantlo era and Shooter's SECRET WARS. Now, I know everything can't be the epitome of sequential storytelling, but when you have Aurora bouncing back-and-forth between Ross' purple-and-white outfit and the Byrne-designed white-and-yellow outfit, for no obvious/stated reason, somebody isn't paying attention (or just doesn't care enough). When you have a member of a group that is supposedly part of a super-secret division of the Ministry of Defense revealing her identity (Heather in AF# 30), especially at the time when she didn't have any "superpower" to protect herself, you're just asking for trouble.

    BTW, everybody calls Northstar "Beaubier" in AF# 41, but did Jean-Paul originally compete professionally/in the Olympics as "Martin" or "Beaubier" (see Byrne issue of Northstar's origin)?

    In AF# 30, Box realizes that the team isn't really making it with just 1 omni-jet, but nobody does anything to correct this problem...which probably would be fairly easy to do since Roger and Madison had something to go by.

    Puck weighs more than Heather, yet Aurora carries Puck and Northstar carries Heather going after the Hulk (AF# 29); not only was Aurora not-exceptionally-strong to begin with, the real Aurora was recovering from cracked/bruised ribs at the time.

    Pestilence beats AF handily: 1 vs. 6 (Aurora, Northstar, Vindicator, Puck, Box, Shaman...with Snowbird out of it, Thompson spewing nonsense, and Talisman manipulating things), then Pestilence controls most of The GREAT BEASTS!

    Didn't happen...and ya can't make me believe it happened!
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 06-22-2014 at 05:05 PM. Reason: editing; went home and looked at the issue and it's # 30

  9. #264


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    There was a panel where she draped it over her body, 'I don't know what I'm doing, really. Reminiscing?' but she never actually wore it in Byrne's run.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Thank you. I recalled that scene where she drapes it on in front of a mirror. And I was pretty sure she never actually put it on during Byrne's run. I am just at work and couldn't confirm for sure.
    That's the scene I'm on about.
    It shows that the idea is there in the character's mind so it hasn't come from nowhere; Mantlo just took it to the extreme...

  10. #265


    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    BTW, everybody calls Northstar "Beaubier" in AF# 41, but did Jean-Paul originally compete professionally/in the Olympics as "Martin" or "Beaubier" (see Byrne issue of Northstar's origin)?
    I was under the impression (from the Byrne run) that he was performing long before he found out he was a "Beaubier". In fact, isn't that how Mac found him? I'll have to go back and look, but I KNOW he was performing before he found out he was a Beaubier because Mac made the comment to him about not wanting the ladies' attention or some junk and it had a panel of him signing autographs, I think.

    Also, another thing that I'm unsure about is: Wasn't Aurora only supposed to speak French (or English with a heavy French accent) when she slipped into JM mode?
    Either she's constantly been traumatized and in JM mode most of Mantlo's run or that's another screw up on Mantlo's part. Because she is written to speak with the accent almost all the time now.

  11. #266

  12. #267
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    CJ, I haven't gotten how to do the multiple "reply with quotes" like everybody else,
    Hard way:
    Hit 'reply with quote' and copy everything inside the box you get.
    Easy way:
    Hit the little speech bubble with open quotes " and a plus sign; keep hitting those until you've collected all the posts you want to quote (gotta catch 'em all!) and then hit 'reply with quote'; they'll all appear inside the box you get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    I'm also not that familiar with Chuck "Earthmover" Moss and I'm pretty sure they are not the same character, but wasn't one of the Asguardian-enhanced humans in THE GIFT named "Earthmover"?
    Confirmed, but her name had a hyphen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    At a time when DC comics was publishing WATCHMEN and THE DARK KNIGHT, Marvel was putting out AF# 52-53/the Mantlo era and Shooter's SECRET WARS.
    Gotta be honest; I'd rather read Mantlo's AF than Watchmen or TDK.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    BTW, everybody calls Northstar "Beaubier" in AF# 41, but did Jean-Paul originally compete professionally/in the Olympics as "Martin" or "Beaubier" (see Byrne issue of Northstar's origin)?
    If by 'everybody' you mean the people around him, in that origin issue he instantly snatched up the name Beaubier, saying he had no real connection to the Martins.
    If you include the general public, that IS a hole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Also, another thing that I'm unsure about is: Wasn't Aurora only supposed to speak French (or English with a heavy French accent) when she slipped into JM mode? Either she's constantly been traumatized and in JM mode most of Mantlo's run or that's another screw up on Mantlo's part.
    She started to develop a third personality with a heavy accent in Byrne's run. Mantlo just took that and, well, didn't do well with it.
    OR: look at what you just said. Aren't you constantly traumatised in Mantlo's run?
    (Or, do you mean JM only speaks French? I'm pretty sure of the three twins, only Northstar / JP only spoke French, and he learned English sometime between his origin and his first appearance.)

    ~ Le Messor
    Lawyer: "Mr. Slatery, you went on a rather elaborate honeymoon, didn't you?"
    Mr. Slatery: "I went to Europe, Sir."
    Lawyer: "And you took your new wife?"
    ~ allegedly a real lawyer's questions. Allegedly.
    Last edited by Le Messor; 06-21-2014 at 06:25 PM.

  13. #268


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post

    If by 'everybody' you mean the people around him, in that origin issue he instantly snatched up the name Beaubier, saying he had no real connection to the Martins.
    If you include the general public, that IS a hole.
    I assumed he meant general public. And it IS a hole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    She started to develop a third personality with a heavy accent in Byrne's run. Mantlo just took that and, well, didn't do well with it.
    OR: look at what you just said. Aren't you constantly traumatised in Mantlo's run?
    (Or, do you mean JM only speaks French? I'm pretty sure of the three twins, only Northstar / JP only spoke French, and he learned English sometime between his origin and his first appearance.) I
    I am confused. I thought the third personality was mentioned during Mantlo's run?
    And, yes! See? I AM traumatized because I cannot even remember.
    And didn't she speak French, or English with a heavy accent, when she slipped into her JM personality? I thought that was mentioned by her brother and Walter (and Mac) a few times during Byrne's AND Mantlo's run (and the fact that it was mentioned in Mantlo's run makes it even more messed up because she was, and is, CONSTANTLY speaking English with a French accent.)?
    That was my question (I think?).

  14. #269
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    I am confused. I thought the third personality was mentioned during Mantlo's run?
    I don't remember, and am not inclined to find out. ;0
    It did FIRST come up in Byrne's run; #20 or so, when she and Sas were going to Tamarind Island to visit Lil.

    When Aurora got traumatised (during Byrne's run), sometimes JM would slip out speaking French (#3, I believe) ; but I don't think that meant JM couldn't speak English (she's a teacher at a Canadian private school; and if JM didn't know English, where did Aurora learn it?) or that Aurora couldn't speak French. Just that JM slipped into her most comfortable language.

    ~ LM

  15. #270


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I don't remember, and am not inclined to find out. ;0
    It did FIRST come up in Byrne's run; #20 or so, when she and Sas were going to Tamarind Island to visit Lil.

    When Aurora got traumatised (during Byrne's run), sometimes JM would slip out speaking French (#3, I believe) ; but I don't think that meant JM couldn't speak English (she's a teacher at a Canadian private school; and if JM didn't know English, where did Aurora learn it?) or that Aurora couldn't speak French. Just that JM slipped into her most comfortable language.

    ~ LM
    Ah. Yeah, I wasn't asking if JM could speak English or Aurora could speak French. That part never crossed my mind.
    I just recall it being mentioned that when she started speaking French (or with the accent) it was noted by others that she was in her JM personality.

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