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Thread: Crackity Jones' Discovery Of Alpha Flight

  1. #286


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Peking duck, yes it does! Actually, that was one of the easiest-to-understand complicated-answers that I have read lately. My ADD wasn't making any sense of everybody else's instructions (not YOUR fault, people; entirely mine!), but this I understood perfectly.
    Really? I was pretty sure I was coming off sounding like I was talking in circles there. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    As far as Heather goes, I have literally nothing good to say about her since she put on the suit. Unpowered Heather was awesome, and she really should have stayed that way. I know some will disagree, but I'd like her to go back to how she was during Byrne's run; I'd have her go through some horrible accident, become paralyzed, put her in a wheelchair (a la Barbara Gordon, pre-New 52) running the team from the safety of her home while she takes care of her daughter. That would allow her attitudes to slowly shift back more towards how she used to be, I think.
    As much as I dislike Mantlo's Heather, I do not think seeing her paralyzed to a wheelchair is quite the answer.
    It would have been best, imo, for her to have remained like Byrne's Heather. The fact that she was the leader of AF WITHOUT any powers was one of the most interesting things about her. She was relatable. She had lost her husband, grieved him, and even in that grief, she managed to be there for AF. She was a pretty awesome character.

    Now she's arrogant, crazy, and completely unrelatable.

  2. #287


    bring her back to a strong, sensible woman, that doesn't need to be in a costume to be a match for the rest of Alpha Flight.
    My thought was, the wheelchair would help explain WHY she was giving up the suit. Volume 4 ending seems to recently have been 'negated', so what then is Heather's reason for giving up the costumed hero life?
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  3. #288


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Really? I was pretty sure I was coming off sounding like I was talking in circles there. Thanks!
    I like circles. And cheese. Look, a squirrel!
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  4. #289


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    so what then is Heather's reason for giving up the costumed hero life?
    I know I am not qualified to answer this just yet being that I'm still reading Mantlo's run, but I will say: By the grace of God (or A god, or several gods, or SOMETHING!), someone convinced her she actually SUCKS as a costumed hero.


    Just have them make her realize that, holy sh!t, she's made some super awful decisions and her leadership skills are the worst EVER.
    But I am going by Mantlo's Heather.

  5. #290


    I once saw a white squirrel but no one believes me.
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  6. #291

  7. #292


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    My thought was, the wheelchair would help explain WHY she was giving up the suit. Volume 4 ending seems to recently have been 'negated', so what then is Heather's reason for giving up the costumed hero life?
    Judging by Amazing X-Men #8 she clearly hasn't.

  8. #293


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Yeah... The Heather stuff I could overlook, but the Puck stuff is where it starts to go downhill quickly... We still have Elf-gate to come...
    Elf-Gate! The part where Northstar goes off to live with the Elves of whateverwhateverland?
    I was just reading through older posts in my thread here.
    So much of what you guys said in the past actually makes sense to me now.
    See how far I've come in becoming jaded from Mantlo's run?
    It's actually becoming funny.
    If I didn't laugh, I'd cry everytime I read an issue.

  9. #294


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Judging by Amazing X-Men #8 she clearly hasn't.
    But at least she gives a crap about Mac.
    Because where I'm at, I'm waiting for her to wish Mac had died SOONER than he actually did.

  10. #295


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Judging by Amazing X-Men #8 she clearly hasn't.
    She's actually written quite well there.

    Though I wonder what their final fate will be...

  11. #296


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Just have them make her realize that, holy sh!t, she's made some super awful decisions and her leadership skills are the worst EVER.
    But I am going by Mantlo's Heather.
    And yet, I've often heard that she was always a better leader than Mac. I have no idea where that perception came from though gratned there are gaps in my collection too.

  12. #297


    Quote Originally Posted by TSOG View Post
    And yet, I've often heard that she was always a better leader than Mac. I have no idea where that perception came from though gratned there are gaps in my collection too.

    What sucks the most is: If you take Byrne's Heather and give her the SAME obstacles that she has faced during Mantlo's run (in the beginning, at least), Byrne's Heather would have NEVER done what Mantlo's Heather has done. Also, she NEVER would have gotten cocky or arrogant or EVER thought she was better than Mac. She never would have had her entire team either die or leave her, and think "Huh, well, I've done my best! At least Alpha Flight is truly MY team now and is better than Mac's Alpha Flight ever was."
    Cause that's crazy speak right there.

  13. #298


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    She's actually written quite well there.

    Though I wonder what their final fate will be...
    Yes. Let's hope it lasts...

  14. #299


    Quote Originally Posted by TSOG View Post
    And yet, I've often heard that she was always a better leader than Mac. I have no idea where that perception came from though gratned there are gaps in my collection too.
    The issue with Mac's leadership is the dubious decisions that were retconned into his past; Bedlam, Wild Child, Wolverine, burying Aurora's condition...
    Last edited by Phil; 06-23-2014 at 04:32 PM.

  15. #300
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    Heather was leader longer than Mac. That probably has something to do with it; and maybe her leadership before she put on the suit.

    Y'know, I've never had a problem with her being in the suit, though. I don't think it makes any difference to how she leads.

    What does make a difference is what happened at the same time - the book changed writers. Sorry to harp on the old thing here, but I think she'd have been just as bad, made all the same decisions with or without the suit under Mantlo.

    Granted, she wouldn't have killed Snowbird herself (she cannae do it, she doesnae have the power!), but she probably would have made one of the team do it for her.

    I once saw a black squirrel, and my dad was with me, and he saw it too. So people believe me. Apparently they're a thing in Canada.

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    Last edited by Le Messor; 06-23-2014 at 04:33 PM.

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