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Thread: Article: Alpha Flight To Return In 2015?

  1. #16


    PS: Someone needs to design a new costume for Talisman... I mean if they can do it for Ms Marvel (now Capt Marvel), for Star Sapphire, for Psylocke... surely someone can design some leg coverings for Talisman... (I mean, how many female superheroes these days still get around in a swimsuit? Apart from Starfire and Elektra )

  2. #17
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by sengsterooney View Post
    For me, these "jumps" in logic are just a bit too hard to take. Clearly, lots happen in between their appearances and I wish the writers would take some time to address them even if AF are appearing as guests in other titles. Just my 2 cents.

    OTOH, I do like the idea that when they have a series, they keep changing constantly; why would they suddenly stop dead just because they don't have one?
    They don't know they don't have a series, and Canada hasn't (presumably) stopped being attacked.

    So: a writer should combine those ideas. When AF appear, have them reference adventures we've never seen - to whet fans' appetites.
    Make people wonder what they're missing until they demand a series to find out!

    ~ Le Messor
    "A friend is one to whom you may pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."
    ~ Arabian Proverb

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by sengsterooney View Post
    PS: Someone needs to design a new costume for Talisman... I mean if they can do it for Ms Marvel (now Capt Marvel), for Star Sapphire, for Psylocke... surely someone can design some leg coverings for Talisman... (I mean, how many female superheroes these days still get around in a swimsuit? Apart from Starfire and Elektra )
    I agree, a more practical outfit would be appreciated. Maybe something like her original costume, but with full leggings instead of the skirt?

    I also agree with you on the inconsistency of Alpha appearances, Seng. It's frustrating to see past plot elements just discarded with no explanation or recap...However, I don't mind Eugene being with Liz. They perhaps just found some connection off panel and began a relationship.


  4. #19


    Again with the off panel stuff. I don't care what they do...just do it right.

  5. #20


    I ask only one request of a new series... No brainwashing/possession/Alphan-Turned-Evil stories for at LEAST issue 50... Seriously. If we get one more series that starts with "Oh no! [Alphan] has been possessed! But HOW!? We'll have to fight them for 6 issues! Oh wait, we've been upgraded to a maxi series!? Lets fight them til issue 12! What? We're cancelled and have to rush an ending for issue 9?! OK, [alphan] is back to normal! Now we're a big happy family again!"
    *2 years later*
    Announcing another New Alpha Flight Series! "Oh no! [Alphan] has been possessed! But HOW!?"

  6. #21
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Sorry, bub. This is the 2010s; all comics are about the heroes turning evil. Didn't you know?

  7. #22


    Any news is good news!

  8. #23


    I've been coming back to this thread ever since it began, going over in my head as to what I'd like to see from a new Alpha Flight series... and I think I've found it.
    Let me know what you think of the following:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	My Vision.jpg 
Views:	276 
Size:	100.2 KB 
ID:	4554
    Having Mac and Heather running Department H would allow them to raise Claire in a somewhat normal environment, and still let them join in on missions from time to time. BTW - the Department H logo shows the colours of the Canadian flag. The "arme" in white lettering is the French Canadian translation for "Weapon". Thought it was a nice touch.
    I think this incarnation of Alpha Flight could take on anything in the Marvel Universe and make for some entertaining stories. Plus, I've always liked Aurora in her yellow suit.
    Beta Flight would be their Covert / Black Ops team. Always thought Diamond Lil's death was a waste, and since no one stays dead forever in Marvel, I've decided to bring her back. Now that Windshear is back and calling himself Chinook (Death of Wolverine - The Logan Legacy) he should join back up as well. I'd really like someone to develop a backstory for Kingdom... he has potential And finally, Feedback was a character that really didn't get a chance in the original series. I thought his power was a good mix for the group... and he's from Atlantic Canada.
    There you have it. Please comment and critique to your heart's content.
    The Flight Forever !

  9. #24


    Hey that's a really cool graphic. I like the team line-ups too. But I would add in the kids into Gamma Flight, too. In their own spin-off title, of course, kind of like Young Avengers, New Mutants, etc.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    But I would add in the kids into Gamma Flight, too. In their own spin-off title, of course, kind of like Young Avengers, New Mutants, etc.
    I thought about doing a Gamma Flight training team, but I didn't know if there would be any of the originals left to train.
    Persuasion has now grown up and become Purple Woman, who I would really like to see turn into more of an anti-hero type... fighting for her own causes whether it puts her on the right side of the law or not, more along the lines of Nemesis.
    Witchfire has grown up, gone back to Limbo, and become more demonic.
    And if these two are now adults, I'm guessing Manikin is as well.
    I'd like to see a Gamma Flight team made up of Ghost Girl & Flinch (both from the Hull House story arc in Volume 2), Pathway & Goblyn, and maybe a couple brand new younger heroes... maybe even bring back Wyre to train them.
    Last edited by Alphan East; 11-30-2014 at 03:58 PM.
    The Flight Forever !

  11. #26


    with the rumor of a possible mu reset after secret wars it would be cool to see the team with a fresh start, no deaths, rebirths, etc.......also, might be a good opportunity to have a team with wolverine on it, which would undoubtedly increase the sales and hopefully keep a book around for a little while.

  12. #27


    I like your ideas, Alphan East.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  13. #28


    I would love a new ongoing. I really wish the last series had taken off. I think them tying it into a crappy Marvel Event is what "ruined" the book for most people. I actually loved the artwork and enjoyed the story. I think the writers had a lot of love for the characters and could have done a nice second arc for the book.

    And the last book was supposed to be an ongoing. I was there at Fan Expo sitting in the Alpha Flight panel when they made the announcement that the book was so well-received that it was being promoted to an ongoing series. Then a month later Marvel says it's just a mini and they never planned to make it into an ongoing. Very disappointing.

  14. #29


    The event actually helped it sales wise.
    As soon as they took "Fear Itself" off the cover sales plummeted.
    That was unfortunately why the ongoing was reversed.
    Marvel didn't deny they had announced it as an ongoing, they just admitted they were wrong and that the preliminary sales figures weren't a good representation and thus skewed the decision.
    From the start we were expecting a mini so while we were prematurely celebrating it being upgraded, we never really lost out from the original launch.

    But yeah, I wish it'd have been an ongoing too...

  15. #30


    Wasn't there a whole discussion about whether or not Marvel was going to "reboot" their universe somewhere around here?

    I am all for it - if they do it right.

    Although, the current standing of their Marvel Universe is horrible.

    So really, wouldn't take much to improve from where they're currently at....

    I had just texted my wife, earlier today, "I collect too much [comics] - I think it's time to start selling them off."

    I have over 60 short boxes of comics.

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