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Thread: OF "Hottest New Launch" according to Joe Q

  1. #1

    Default OF "Hottest New Launch" according to Joe Q

    Well, Civil War is over (I won't spoil the ending for enyone who hasn't picked up the book yet). The book's epilog/afterward has an interesting tidbit about OF. Joe Q is discussing what is coming next (The Initiative, etc.) when he mentions OF as one of 2007's hottest debuts. Here is the text:

    "April showers us with two incredible debuts. If you want to get in on the ground floor of what's going to be one of 2007's hottest new launches, then you'll want to pick up issue #1 of AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE by Dan Slott and Stefano Caselli. And in OMEGA FLIGHT, there are some heroes who don't just go underground, they go north to continue the fight!"
    The last pages of the book also feature a panel with OF - nothing new or surprising at all.

    Seems to me that pushing OF as one of the hottest debuts in 2007 is contradictory to the fact thats its not an ongoing. Whether this means that Marvel has every intention of turning it into an ongoing (unless it tanks horribly) or if Marvel is pulling the old "bait and switch," I'm not at all sure.

  2. #2


    i really feel with all the publicity it has been getting via message boards, websites and of course ben's initiative (ha!) with fight for the flight of is set up rather nicely.

  3. #3


    it all depends.. We just have to wait and see because the few who are all over the internet are only about 25% at most of the buying population so if only they buy this title it is still a failure.. we gotta do what every we can to help

  4. #4


    Well, my 'local' comic shop ordered extra copies of OF already, DT said they'd gotten enough mail orders to cover regular buying patterns.

    Still, nice to see OF showing up early and getting promo power, from Joe Q no less! Good to see him hit a high note.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  5. #5


    I've got to agree. Its nice to see OF showing up in lots of places. I can only hope that this means Marvel is planning on an ongoing...unless the mini tanks. Bottom line is that its our job to make sure it doesn't tank.

  6. #6


    It all depends on not only how many pick up the first issue but how many feel compelled to continue with the series.. the idea itself is interestign enough that huge follower of civil war will want to read it, so it coudl help.. I just hope it does well

  7. #7


    I don't actually read that quote as Joe Q saying Omega Flight is one of the year's hottest new launches. I read it as him saying that about Avengers:The Intiative, and then going on to say "And Omega Flight is neat too."

    I find the bit about heroes going North to continue the fight a bit strange, since it sort of implies that some members of Omega Flight are continuing the anti-reg side of Civil War in Canada, but we know that USAgent is pro reg, and Canada has a registration act.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus
    I don't actually read that quote as Joe Q saying Omega Flight is one of the year's hottest new launches. I read it as him saying that about Avengers:The Intiative, and then going on to say "And Omega Flight is neat too."
    Hate to say it, but that is how I intrepret that comment too. Joe Q seems to be talking specifically about Avengers: The Initiative. He DOES call Omega Flight an "incredible debut", however, so that is promising...

  9. #9


    any publicity is good publicity... all we gotta do is get people to ask "whats this comic all about?" then we got them hooked

  10. #10


    any publicity is good publicity... all we gotta do is get people to ask "whats this comic all about?" then we got them hooked

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender
    any publicity is good publicity... all we gotta do is get people to ask "whats this comic all about?" then we got them hooked
    My papa always said, the way you get people to listen is to repeat the same thing more than once...

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Primate
    I've got to agree. Its nice to see OF showing up in lots of places. I can only hope that this means Marvel is planning on an ongoing...unless the mini tanks. Bottom line is that its our job to make sure it doesn't tank.
    I disagree, The real bottom line is it's Marvel's job that the book doesn't tank, not ours.


  13. #13


    Omega was breifly mentioned on Newsarama in an interview with our favorite Marvel personality, Mr Tom B.

    "NRAMA: Reed's assessment of Omega Flight - he said it's more of an Old School approach. Does that mean that Canada hasn't passed a version of the Registration Act? These guys are allowed to operate freely, and without oversight?

    TB: I’m going to leave that question for Omega Flight to answer—though people can begin to get a sense of things in the Civil War: The Initiative one-shot and in Ms. Marvel #14."

    So if the Initiative will be about Sassy talking to Postman Pat and shows the team together for the first time, while Ms. M 14 will show Ms. M and Julia make a deal which sends Arachne to Canada, I'm not sure how much time will be spent talking about "Canada's SHRA". Which is fine, because I'd rather read it from Oeming in the main book.

  14. #14


    it is partially our job.... I mean I understand where you're commign from, if Taco Bell doesn't provide quality burritos then it is their fault if they tank, but if they are but no one knows about them because Taco Bueno is the big place intown if we want our favorite taco bell to stay open we need to get soem of our friends who normally eat elsewhere to try this place out....

    so it isn't whose job it is, its a joint effort, if either of us don't do our part the book with tank, simple as that, and sadly in the past it was Marvel who wasn't offering the quality burritos so no one felt the need to get the bueno guys over to try it.

    Yeah I'm really hungry and there is a huge battle on my College Campus between Taco Bell and Taco Bueno and I have headed up the campeign for Bell over Bueno.... because we have nothing better to do at college!

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