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Thread: John Byrne AF Commision

  1. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    In my head she's still 4 toed and crazy.
    Now THAT is a starting point for a new LS !!!
    The Flight Forever !

  2. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I think The Master's influence alone was enough justification for killing her cousin and running off, I just think that the line about her being cured was drastically out of place.
    In my head she's still 4 toed and crazy.
    I agree, she can't be cured of the Master's rebuilding, she wasn't anywhere near the machine when it was activated (and I believe it was indicated that the altered person had to be brought close to it).


  3. #153


    I'd start off with a series about some of the C listers who could use some fleshing out or some closure... Have them form back into a sort of Omega Flight who's only interest is their own welfare. Dreamqueen would have unwittingly been given a path into the mortal realm due to a plot that brings some characters back from the dead. So you'd basically have utter chaos as this team tries to deal with what they unleashed, whilst straddling a line between heroics and villainy.

    This would lead to them getting pulled into Alpha Flight business, of course. Unwilling to work with a state sanctioned team again after the hell they've all endured at some point, this Omega Flight sides with Heather and tries to keep her from Mac. Mac, of course, would only want what is best for all of them. They would simply disagree on what is best.

    I envision this being resolved when Heather gets pardoned in return for joining Alpha Flight, a choice she makes for the welfare of her child. She takes on a non-combat den mother role, but is the leader who really watches out for the team, ever suspicious of Dep. H. Where as Mac will be the patriotic idealist who believes he can see Dep. H rebuilt and do this right this time, Heather will be the realist who never trusts that dream ever again. She'll have worked against Dep. H behind their backs to facilitate Omega Flight's escape from authorities.

    The result would be two teams with different ways of doing things, sometimes aiding each other, but always being at odds with eachother.

    Leaving out details because I actually really want to write this thing.

  4. #154


    When you say C listers who do you mean though?

    Because in the grand scale of Comic-dom, or even just in the MU, the only member of AF who's anywhere near C-list status would be Northstar at the moment.

  5. #155


    Whatever happened to heroes being heroes because it's the right thing to do? You lost me at 'C-listers', but I kept reading. The whole Dept H mistrust, etc would keep me away for sure. I just want AF back without all the government intrigue background. Heroes that come together, or are brought together, to protect lives and their country.

  6. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    When you say C listers who do you mean though?

    Because in the grand scale of Comic-dom, or even just in the MU, the only member of AF who's anywhere near C-list status would be Northstar at the moment.
    I guess I meant C-list by AF standards. lol I'm sure you guessed I'd bring Lil back from the dead. I'm not sure what any of them rate on a scale of the entire Marvel universe. I think people really over complicate it, we really shouldn't need more than three or four 'levels' IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Maxwell View Post
    Whatever happened to heroes being heroes because it's the right thing to do? You lost me at 'C-listers', but I kept reading. The whole Dept H mistrust, etc would keep me away for sure. I just want AF back without all the government intrigue background. Heroes that come together, or are brought together, to protect lives and their country.
    Mac and his team would be heroes being heroes because it's the right thing to do. Heather not trusting Dep.H is just realism. I wouldn't really build a big conspiracy. She'd just be making sure what happened last time does not happen again. Omega Flight would varry between chaotic good and chaotic neutral. They'll do 'the right thing' when they can, but won't really be playing by other's rules. What 'the right thing to do' even is, can also be subjective. Heather will let them get away because their goal will be benevolent at the time, and the reasons for wanting to aprehend them won't be fair to them. You know a military part of a government is going to want to force their will on others even if it is for the greater good. I mean, look at how Alpha debuted... Macwas trying to force Wolverine to work for Dep.H against his will. Well intentioned heros can still be ass holes sometimes, you know?

    These are just some ideas I'm playing with, more likely to be a fanfic than a script on an editors desk. Though if I can get **** together, I would like to submit the first part. Which is why I'm so vague about that part. Lots of twists and surprises planned, and a dark horse playing a key role in the plot, someone I don't think anyone would guess.
    Last edited by EccentricSage; 01-07-2013 at 11:15 AM.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
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  7. #157
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Maxwell View Post
    Maybe the best AF commission JB has ever done. I'm in love.
    Wow! I love it! Brilliant concept, brilliantly handled.
    Wish I had it.

    ~ Le Messor

  8. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Wow! I love it! Brilliant concept, brilliantly handled.
    Wish I had it.

    ~ Le Messor
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