I love Wolverine. I think most people on some level at least like the character. But for the years I have been collecting I dont read his solo series and this is why. For me anyways hes a great character in a team setting and thats where I enjoy him most. Now hes had some great mini series stories I will say that. But his main book I feel has suffered from this kind of story for a long time. Yes hes a bad ass with a mysterious past. But do we need to connect him with everyone in the Marvel U's past. The man knows practically everyone. Not having a real origin for as long as he did contributed to this trap. Seems like every writer that got their mits on him felt the need to spin their own Wolverine back in the day story. Now that we have his origin lets move the character foward. But what does Loeb do. Brings him right back into the same tired formula and weaves the worst version of his past to date.