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Thread: Viable property, disrespected team, target of industry hate, cash cow...

  1. #1
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Viable property, disrespected team, target of industry hate, cash cow...

    Tom Brevoort's assessment of ALPHA FLIGHT is oxymoronic - after saying that AF is hard to figure out, he goes on to say what he thinks AF is:

    "Alpha Flight is a tough nut to crack, and in all honesty we haven't quite cracked it yet," writes Brevoort. "So at the moment, there isn't any active Alpha Flight series in development. The problem with Alpha Flight is that the two things that really drove interest in them in their earliest years were the fact that they were these exciting, mysterious new characters who mixed it up with the X-Men (and in some ways resembled them as regards the tenor of their team), and the fact that their series was being written and drawn by John Byrne at the height of his powers and popularity. But when you drill down, the core concept of the series is based on geography, which is very limiting -- they're like the Avengers , but in Canada."

    A reenvisioning of ALPHA FLIGHT is conceivable because Steve Seagle, Scott Lobdell, and Mike Oeming tried to do it. Everyone has an opinion on the level of success these three attempts achieved, but I don't think it is unfair to say that none of these versions were given a real chance to be any good.

    It depends on what a villain-centric MARVEL wants to accomplish with ALPHA FLIGHT. If the people with decision-making authority feel that AF is more plausible as "villains" in the vein of X-MEN adversaries, then it should be feasible for someone to find a way to bring them back as "villains".

    If MARVEL wants to go "retro" and reintroduce most of the original team, then someone should re-read the Hulk-Alpha Flight crossover and see if there was a plot-seed incorporated that could bring some of the "dead" characters back.

    But if MARVEL just wants to capitalize on ALPHA FLIGHT's popularity, then it will continue to plant AF characters in various books and tease readers into thinking that a serious attempt is being made to treat this team better.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 05-12-2010 at 12:44 PM.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  2. #2


    Tom Brevoort said: "But when you drill down, the core concept of the series is based on geography, which is very limiting -- they're like the Avengers , but in Canada."

    That is such baloney...Alpha Flight was about a group of people who didn't necessarily get along, had family ties to one another in varying degrees...A team who had lost their government's backing and were on their own...A team who were based all over the country, yet came together when they needed to...And who just happened to be Canadians.

    Alpha is quite a bit more faceted than Mr Brevoort seems to believe (and the majority of those facets were added by John Byrne)..

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 05-12-2010 at 06:50 PM.

  3. #3


    BTW...It kind of saddens me to hear John Byrne (and Mr Brevoort) think so little of Alpha's worth. Sure, they were originally put together just to be adversaries for the X-Men, but Wolverine served the same purpose (against the Hulk) many years ago in his first appearance.

    I think Wolverine's example shows that a character can be far more than they were ever meant to be...They just need to fleshed out, nurtured and grown...I feel Alpha got a good start with John Byrne in Volume 1, but after he left the book, abuse upon abuse (including terrible origin screw-ups, bad resurrections, bad continuity gaffes, etc...) was heaped upon them.

    many of those mistakes are what hinder the team today.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 05-13-2010 at 01:52 AM. Reason: bad grammar...LOL.

  4. #4


    They just don't want to do an Alpha Book.
    I've seen nothing to change my mind that the core and unsaid reason is personal politics with John Byrne. I truly think we'll have to wait for a regime change at Marvel before any real effort into Alpha happens.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    If MARVEL wants to go "retro" and reintroduce most of the original team, then someone should re-read the Hulk-Alpha Flight crossover and see if there was a plot-seed incorporated that could bring some of the "dead" characters back.
    What Hulk-Alpha Flight crossover speak you of?
    Back in v1 #28 / Hulk 313? That just seems like a slightly strange choice to look for resurrection potential in?
    Or is there another, more recent one you mean?

    - Le Messor
    Willow: "Happy hunting."
    Buffy: "Wish me monsters."
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-16-2010 at 04:39 AM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by kozzi24 View Post
    I've seen nothing to change my mind that the core and unsaid reason is personal politics with John Byrne.
    I wouldn't be surprised if this had something to do with it. When we can't even get an Essential Alpha Flight collection before we get one for Dazzler, I start to wonder. If we get Essential Power Pack first, then that'll be enough to confirm my suspicions.

  7. #7
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    What Hulk-Alpha Flight crossover speak you of?
    Back in v1 #28 / Hulk 313? That just seems like a slightly strange choice to look for resurrection potential in?
    Or is there another, more recent one you mean?

    - Le Messor
    Willow: "Happy hunting."
    Buffy: "Wish me monsters."
    It is the Hulk# 313/AF# 28-29 that I'm referring to. In the Hulk segment, the captions stated that being in the Nexus caused whoever's in it to end up right back at the point where they started from. If this applies to AF as well, Walter('s spirit) we know was stuck in the Nexus, and I believe that a few others traveled through it as well.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  8. #8


    I just think Mantlo was brilliant, because he kept them fairly mysterious and "WEIRD". In my mind, Alpha Flight = superhero weirdness. In a cool way, don't get me wrong.
    NARYA EASTON just saved the world, even if nobody knows.

  9. #9

    Default Heyyyy! Im not the only one?

    I think Mantlos material was great too ! I seriously thought I was the only one. These days Grant Morrison gets big bucks to come up with that kind of wackiness.

  10. #10


    They should have the team of new caraters and have them not be tied to the Canadian goverment. Have them be a Canadian Super Power Vigilanti group, and not register with the Canadian Super Power Act.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Rider View Post
    They should have the team of new caraters and have them not be tied to the Canadian goverment. Have them be a Canadian Super Power Vigilanti group, and not register with the Canadian Super Power Act.
    Though I can, in some small way, see the point you may be making; regarding a fresh start and angle, that just wouldn't fly. What does AF have going for it? A loyal fan base, much of which is based on character and story history. Distinct and recognizable characters, a unique feel that draws people in.... I can't see that a clean slate approach will get very far, or even off the drawing table. We have seen how AF v.2, and v.3 have done both with a mix of new and old characters...and v.3 was essentially all new characters. That approach has not worked eh? A skilled writer needs to balance the old fans with the new readers. An AF book now can't bee full of retro stories and inside jokes for old fans, since we are not as numerous as we once were. It has to feel fresh, but be loyal to history. Old charactes have to be there, but not weighed down with old plots. I felt Oeming had that in hand.

  12. #12


    I see your point, but sometime a clean slate is what you need. Look at what happened to Ghost Rider in the 90's (GR is the only other book I buy next to AF) I been collecting GR series from 1977, and felt somewhat disapointed that it was not Blaze being the new GR, but when I read the book and saw the art after a few issues it didn't bother me at all, and they did make reference to the original series, and Blaze did come back as well. The same thing happen to X-Men only Cyclops was around from the first series and the first line up left after they've been rescued by the new ones, but eventully they all went back together. The same thing can happen to AF.

    Have a new group of charaters. Or maybe they are clones of the original team (i.e. Guardian from vol II.) If Guardian had a clone, then why not take samples of everyone who comes into the Flight program. After the Canadian goverment shut down Dept H they are not going to be spending money on keeping these things active. They shut thing down and store them all away until they are freed somehow and go underground. It's not a strong idea, but it's just off the top of my head.

    The real problom that this book has that it's always been a novalty. Heros in Canada. After the novalty wore off so did the talant that came to the book and then the respect and treatment of the book went down the crapper. The charaters were all amazing as individuals and as a team, but during their hay day they never went toe to toe with any big Marvel US villan or hero/s. The book needs something big to happen to it, or maybe just a really good writer and artist to stick around for sevral years.

  13. #13


    I just feel that the "clean slate" was tried with both Vol. 3 and with Omega Flight. I think the tone, fan reaction, and general approach of volume 3 has destroyed any chance of Marvel doing an "all new all different" Alpha Flight any time soon. Knowing the fan base, seeing how fans have reacted in every relaunch, I can safely say that most AF fans want to see a majority of classic characters.

  14. #14


    Not really. Vol II had Puck Vindicator II, and Jeff Madison. Though I liked what they did to Sasquatch. Vol III Had Sasquatch, Nemisis, and still ties to the goverment. OF had too many Americans (out numbering the Canucks) Talisman and Sasquatch. A true clean slate would be no one from AF's past. But I understand where you are coming from. Vol III was to me an alternate reality and did not happen.

    Marvel had kind of ruled out bring back the original team or anyone from the past. How many AF guys were de-powered? How many are still alive? The ones that are still alive and have powers are not all that interesting. Talisman, Sasquatch are the only two who are interesting. They'ed have to bring back North Star, Aurora, & Snowbird. (5) Maybe some of the members from Weapon Prime. Tiger Strike, Killspree, Double Trouble. Now you'd have 9 guys, from the past but the last four no one really knows about.

    I don't know what else you can do? Bring back the past and try to get as many old readers back and hope for new ones. Or do you try and do something different and try to bring in readers, and knowing that it has the AF title it would attreact old readers too (like ourselves who'd buy any thing AF).

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The difference with X-Men and (I believe) Ghost Rider is that the original series didn't sell well, especially compared to the relaunch. Both had been cancelled due to poor sales (well, the X-Men had been relegated to reprints-only); Original Alpha Flight was a top seller.

    'Interesting' characters are likely to depend on the writer; a good writer can make any character interesting.

    - Le Messor
    "Have you seen Quasimodo? I had a hunch he was back."

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