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  1. #46


    Wild Child (Strange Tales)

    |character_name=Wild Child
    Kyle Gibney
    |debut= Strange Tales II #1
    |affiliations=[[Immortals Xtreme (Strange Tales)|Immortals Xtreme]]
    |weight=135 lbs
    In this alternate reality, there is a highly popular graphic syndicated television show called [[Immortals Xtreme (Strange Tales)|Immortals Xtreme]]. This is a brutal ring combat sport created by [[Wolverine (Strange Tales)|Wolverine]], that puts mutants together in a competition of who can inflict the most damage. One night, Wild Child was in the main event with [[Sabretooth (Strange Tales)|Sabretooth]], but he lost the encounter when he had his heart ripped out. After the match, he and Sabretooth joked about their fight in the locker room. It’s unknown if Wild Child still competes on the show.

    Little is known of this version of Wild Child, but his healing factor is powerful enough for him to survive having his heart cut out.

    [[Category:Alternate Universes]]

  2. #47


    Woooooo...just have to finish the Vindicator (Ultimate Universe) bio and I am DOOOOOONE!

  3. #48
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Woot! It's been a hard slog, but you're getting through.

  4. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Looks like I was about halfway there with most of that...
    The important part, I think, was the 'remove formatting' bit, which I'd never known to try. (I don't know about K-M.)
    I use Firefox, btw.
    Yeah, I stumbled onto that by accident to be fair, just caught it through looking at the page differences between browsers.

    It's not something we should have to do, but it gets round it for. Now.

  5. #50


    Wowsers! Awesome job K-M! Can you make entries for Ultimate Wild Child and Ultimate James and Heather Hudson (or did I miss them somewhere?)

  6. #51


    Vindicator (Ultimate Universe)

    |real_name=John Wraith
    |debut= Ultimate X-Men #2,
    Ultimate X-Men #94 (as Vindicator)
    |affiliations=[[Alpha Flight (Ultimate Universe)|Alpha Flight]], [[Department H(Ultimate Universe)|Department H]]
    |past_affiliations=[[S.H.I.E.L.D. (Ultimate Universe)|S.H.I.E.L.D.]], [[Weapon X (Ultimate Universe)|Weapon X]]
    |aliases=5SFG (5 Sierra Foxtrot Gold)
    |relatives=2 unnamed daughters
    In reality #1610, Colonel John Wraith was a mutant-hating commando, who under [[S.H.I.E.L.D. (Ultimate Universe)|S.H.I.E.L.D.]], was to head the [[Weapon X (Ultimate Universe)|Weapon X program]]. The program was assigned with capturing mutants and forcing them to carry out covert missions for the US government. He first recruited [[Wolverine I (Ultimate Universe)|Wolverine]] and gave him his fake name, Logan. Wolverine eventually escaped the program so John then recruits other mutants including [[Nightcrawler (Ultimate Universe)|Nightcrawler]], [[Rogue (Ultimate Universe)|Rogue]], and [[Juggernaut (Ultimate Universe)|Juggernaut]] to take Wolverine's place. Rogue and Johnbe came very close as trained her to be his star pupil, and she looked to him as a father figure. Upon hearing Wolverine joined the [[X-Men (Ultimate Universe)|X-Men]] John would come into conflict with the mutant team many times. He would eventually receive the scars on his face from Wolverine and many of his recruits would defect to the X-Men. John continued his brutal ways constantly seeking revenge, but was eventually gunned down by [[Nick Fury (Ultimate Universe)|NickFury]], where he was to have been killed.

    John was saved by the Canadian Government, as they injected him with the Mutant Growth Hormone, code named Banshee. The drug restarted his system, and gave him “God-like” powers and by being spared it made him realize all the mistakes he made giving him a new perspective on life. Indebted, he eventually joined and became the leader of [[Alpha Flight (Ultimate Universe)|Alpha Flight]], the first internationally sanctioned mutant team. He believed the [[Ultimates (Ultimate Universe)|Ultimates]] were egotistical and selfish as they answered only to America. His goal was to make the team his own personal version ofWeapon X that answered to the world, not an individual country.

    Now under the codename Vindicator, and hiding his real identity he took part in the mission to recover [[Northstar (Ultimate Universe)|Northstar]], in hopes to force him to rejoin the team. Arriving at the Xavier Institute, Alpha Flight quickly over-powered the [[X-Men (Ultimate Universe)|X-Men]] and complete dtheir mission by capturing Jean-Paul. Northstar was then brought back to [[Department H HQ (Ultimate Universe)|Department H’s Headquarters]] and was involuntarily administrated Banshee causing him to overdose, paralyzing him from the waist down. Knowing they couldn’t overpower Alpha Flight, the X-Men were forced to take Banshee themselves in a last ditch effort to recover Northstar. The two teams clash, and Rogue discovers his true identity but keeps it hidden from the rest of her team as she later admits she still loves him like a father.

    Later, after the Ultimatum Wave hit New York killing millions; Rogue, traveled north in hopes to recruit Wraith in a mission to kill [[Magneto (Ultimate Universe)|Magneto]]. He accepts, then dons his new [[Guardian armor (Ultimate Universe)|Guardian armor]], as they depart to Montreal to capture Juggernaut and Sabretooth. Their hopes were to torture and question them to gain valuable information on Magneto. During Vindicator’s interrogation on Juggernaut, [[Psylocke (Ultimate Universe)| Psylocke]] sends a wide spread telepathic distress call to any mutants that can help. As the Xavier School was being massacred under the command of [[William Stryker Jr. (Ultimate Universe)|William Stryker jr]] and they needed immediate assistance. Rogue and Vindicator recruit Sabretooth and Juggernaut, and helped save the school from complete massacre. The current whereabouts or status of Vindicator is unknown.

    Under the Mutant Growth Hormone called [[Banshee (Ultimate Universe)|Banshee]], John demonstrated the ability of flight, superhuman speed and strength, energy blasts that were strong enough to send Wolverine from Westchester County to Maine, high level energy absorption and a form of gravity manipulation he can use to crush someone with.

    In the [[Guardian armor (Ultimate Universe)|Guardian armor]], it granted John enhanced durability, superior energy blasts that can render [[Juggernau t(Ultimate Universe)|Juggernaut]] unconscious with a single bolt and superhuma nstrength which was strong enough to cause significant bodily harm to Juggernaut as well.

    [[Category:Alternate Universes]]

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-06-2013 at 06:42 PM.

  7. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Wowsers! Awesome job K-M! Can you make entries for Ultimate Wild Child and Ultimate James and Heather Hudson (or did I miss them somewhere?)
    Thanks and naaa didnt do the Hudsons as I forgot about them, but Ultimate Wild Child? Errrr?

  8. #53


    Ultimate Wild Child makes his Ultimate debut in Ultimate Comics Wolverine #2. And the Hudsons finally reappear in issue #2.

  9. #54
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Canberra, Australia


    I don't remember that being discussed. What's he like?

    ~ Le Messor
    "So, what's he like in bed?"
    "You know, a little hot chocolate, a warm pillow..."
    ~ Blackadder

  10. #55


    That's right. Ultimate Wolverine 2 didn't really get discussed yet, till now. Ultimate Wild Child is evil and he got into a fight with young Jimmy Hudson.
    He gets killed by Jimmy Hudson's step brother - Quicksilver. So his entry will be brief for K-M. Sigh, now I just spoiled the whole issue for everyone.

  11. #56


    He gets killed? thats terrible haha

    But do you wanna write up his bio? I dont have to be the only one haha. If not. I can eventually.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-05-2013 at 03:41 AM.

  12. #57


    Nevermind, i did the bios and will have them posted tommorow

  13. #58


    Starting to add the pages (didnt upload the images yet...anyone else wasnt to do that?). Diamond Lil & Lionel Jeffries (House of M) entry is acting up and says it has subcategories and at the top of the alternate realities page instead of in row with the other diamond lil or Jeffries pages.

    Just noticed Malcolm/Jenny's last name is spelt wrong in the title, it should be Monroe..not Munroe. Cant fix it for some reason

    Links in the Jeffries brothers pages arent linking correctly to the active pages for some odd reason.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-06-2013 at 09:53 PM.

  14. #59


    I've fixed the HoM pages (for some reason they were saved as categories rather than pages) and the spelling of Monroe.

  15. #60


    didnt upload the images yet
    So, i can stop hitting my computer, it really isn't broken?

    Seriously? Because i just found a big pipe wrench, and i'm sure a few shots of that to my pc would make those images just POP right up!
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